Friday, May 22, 2009

Shipment 14 price list

Here it is guys:

Fireball SG (WAVE) 55 (reserved)
Raccoon 40 (reserved)
Krote 95
Melusine 95 (reserved)
Fledermaus 50
hornise 60
Figure set #1 15
Figure set #2 15
Fliege 43
AFS 16
Raptor 85
Krachenvogel 160
Neuspotter 60
Jerry 50
SAF Clear 30
Konrad 38
Heinrich 38
Gustav Clear 35
Gustav 38

Aiyo I must be getting old, I missed out the following kits:
Kauz 55
Hasegawa Falke 75

Prices in usd.

Note:These are pre-tax price, and not final, but expect up to a maximum of 7% increase when I get hit by it tomorrow (might be less, I hope).
I will update the final price as soon as I get the kits on my hands and paid the customs. I will not charge more than 7% more that what is listed here.
I might add a few more kits in too so check back often.

PM/email me if you are interested in buying. I try to accomodate everybody's request and those which I can't meet, I can say that there is shipment 15 (a very small shipment right now, mainly requests) filling up now.

Thanks guys for your great support!

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