Saturday, December 5, 2009

days without modeling

Its been now 14 days, or 2 weeks, without modeling for me. I realized I get kinda depressed without it.
Buried in work as well as responsibilities at home and lots of visitations to sick elderly who I love...
Not that I am complaining (except the work part) but just an update...
Weathers turning cool, with monsoon rains every other day. This is affecting my sensitive nose which clogs up and makes me very tired.
I do hope to get back to it tonight, to finish up building the Neuspotter before Christmas.



Dennis said...

Take great care bro. Having passion is a nice thing, but health come first.

Warmest regards,

cyberwill75 said...

Thanks bro, you too! Miss you man...


Grant Mayberry said...

I understand how you feel, I had surgery on my ankle and with the pain and med's I have not been able to work.

Keep the fsith and the time will come.


cyberwill75 said...

Hey Grant, nice to hear from you, do take care man...
